As well as finding you the best products and deals from others, we also make our own products!
Please be aware due to fluctuations in availability and price of raw materials prices could increase; however, we have endeavoured to give a conservative price estimate and will revise pricing accordingly if prices go down.
Square Foot Gardening Kit
3x 3 foot (6 inches deep)*
Pre-made or flat packed Box:
Lined food-safe treated timber box, with landscape fabric bottom. Tops are marked out into 9 squares with string (wood marker upgrade available). Special planting mix provided developed by horticultural expert Dan Ori.
Perfect for children or short reach, simple, long-lasting, great as a starter box or to add to your existing system.
£96 (£10.67 per sq)
Estimated life 10 years
Total cost divided by 10 years = £9.60 per year.
That's less than a large bag of compost a year!
Compost feed per year £3.15
Estimated mix top up per year £1.08
The total cost of purchase and maintenance divided by 10 years = £13.83 per year.***
That's STILL less than a large bag of compost a year!
Square Foot Gardening Kit
4 x 4 foot (6 inches deep)*
Pre-made or flat packed Box:
Lined food-safe treated timber box, with landscape fabric bottom. Tops are marked out into 16 squares with string (wood marker upgrade available). Special planting mix provided developed by horticultural expert Dan Ori.
Simple, long-lasting, great as a starter box or to add to your existing system.
£146 (£9.13 per sq)
Estimated life 10 years
Total cost divided by 10 years = £14.60 per year or 28p a week.
That's less than the cost of a lettuce a week!
Compost feed per year £5.60
Estimated mix top up per year £1.92
The total cost of purchase and maintenance divided by 10 years = £22.12 per year or 43p a week.***
That's STILL less than the cost of a lettuce a week!
Special compost blend
Special peat-free compost blend for adding to square foot garden squares during replanting. Developed by horticultural expert Dan Ori to deliver "all the feed you need". The estimated amount you will add to a square foot each year is 1 to 3 litres depending on the crop; so for a 3x3 foot, you are looking to add 9 to 30 litres maximum.
Prices from 35p per litre**
Special planting mix
Special peat-free planting mix.
Contains1 part special compost blend, 1 part coir growing medium, 1 part vermiculite.
For establishing or topping up your square foot garden. Developed by horticultural expert Dan Ori to deliver "perfect growing conditions without all the work".
The estimated amount you will need to fill a 1-foot square (6 inches deep) is 10 litres on a level surface; so, for a 3x3 foot (6 inches deep) you are looking at 90 litres, and for a 4x4 foot (6 inches deep) you are looking at 160 litres.
Prices from 60p per litre**
Seeds - Prices from £1
Plants - Prices from 50p
Bucket of Kit
All the basic tools you need to Square Foot Garden
water bucket, water cup, planting pencil, plant labels, garden snips, and garden trowel
Your first 9 squares
Plants and seeds to fill your first 9 squares.
Choose from a pre-made planting plan or create your own.
Prices from £9
Learn gardening skills:
Consultations & Courses
Consult & learn from the experts
Contact us for pricing
Special Community Consulting Rate £20 per hour
(normal rate £100 per hour)
Learn from the experts
Volunteer Supervision and Coaching £20 per hour
(normal rate £100 per hour)
Your community is in safe hands.
We aim to provide great value to maximize the joy of gardening for all.
All pricing quoted is our retail price for single units, discounts can be offered on most lines if you are ordering significant quantities, please contact us for a bespoke price.
*All measurements are approximate due to being constructed by hand from natural products.
**All prices are subject to availability and change.
Delivery is not included in our pricing, please check if a delivery fee is required before ordering.
***Estimates are based on reported data and current pricing.
All photos and images are representative only and may differ from the actual product supplied.
Payment terms: upon order only (no credit or payment on delivery available).